Saturday, September 19, 2009

2 months

Since the last time I wrote, Lily has turned 2 months, attended her first Sr. High and Jr. High youth groups and had a sleepover at her grandparents. At her 2 month appointment she gained weight and is now at 9 lbs 4.5 oz. and is measuring at 21.5 inches! It's funny she now is the size of our friends new born, who was born a moth after her. I will be going back to work on Oct.1st, even though I have already been doing work. I am excited to go back, but if I could have one wish, I would love to stay home and spend all my time with Lily. Though Bob and I are lucky in that we get to bring her to work with us. But the few days she has been there have been challenging. She does really good at youth group mainly cause I carry her around in her sling, but during the day she is very demanding and fussy while at church. So we'll have to figure all of that out as we go.

More importantly though, Lily has been smiling and laughing at us all the time now!!!! It is the most amazing thing to have your daughter look right at you and smile. Sometimes it's gas, but when it is just a true smile for me-it's an indescribable feeling.

1 comment:

  1. I miss Lily! Love the pics and can't wait to see her soon!
